Monday, February 14, 2011

The Facts, Ma'am. Just The Facts.

Sixteen years ago I was single, had 3 children and made $7.50 an hour, if that.  I told God I wanted to move to Albuquerque.  My best friend lived there.  It was the city of my youth.  It was my Utopia.  And it was about 1000 miles away. 

There was no way I could get there and make a go of it with 3 kids, no money, and no family there.  I began to pray about it and pack.  I fasted.  I read my Bible.  I sought wise counsel from my pastor and the chaplain at work.  It seemed an impossible fete, though. 

I cold called the hospitals and was actually hired over the phone.  God spoke to me almost as if I could see him standing in front of me.  I can remember getting…well…ticked and kinda yelling …at God one afternoon.  I raised my voice in frustration, anyway.  I didn’t know exactly what it was like to be spoken to by God but surely it wasn’t like this.  A literal conversation!?!  As I read the Bible it was as if he responded to my very questions right there on the pages.  God spoke to me, went before me, opened doors, provided cash.  The day before my last day at work my co-workers collected a cash gift for me.  I don’t remember exactly how much it was, maybe $150 or $200.  The next morning on my way to work for the last time, I thanked God for the money and told him I would need more.  I didn’t tell anyone except him that I needed more money.  Before the day was over I had promise of another $1000 from an unexpected source.  It came the day we loaded the truck. 

I lived in Albuquerque for 8 years.  I’ve moved a few times since then, never rally seeking God’s direction about where I was going, until a few months ago.  You already know where he led me or sent me.  This time I wasn’t asking to come here; in fact I wanted to stay where I was. 

So, I find myself back where I started, sort of.  Where he directed, led, paved the way to, the first time I really sought him.  When I sought God, I saw that God is here.  Now.  Right next to me.  Speaking to me…if I give him the time of day.  If I stop long enough to listen to him. 

I don’t know how we can ever go back to life the way it was after we’ve been with God.  After the Creator of the Universe stops to talk to you, how can you possibly act like it never happened?  But I know you can.  I did. 

Today, I was sent to an interview at the place I worked when I left Albuquerque, the last time.  I don’t know if I’ll get this job.  But it made me feel like I’ve come full circle.  I believe I am here by God’s design.  I don’t know what God has in store for me; not sure I want to know.  But I know for certain he’s at work in Renata’s life.  He’ll walk through the calm times and the unhappy times with us. 

The Lord says, “Forget what happened before,
and do not think about the past
            Look at the new thing I am going to do.
                        It is already happening.  Don’t you see it?
            I will make a road in the desert
                        and rivers in the dry land.  Isaiah 43:18 & 19 (NCV)

          Heavenly Father, forgive me for ignoring you and not continuing to seek your guidance in my life.  Give me strength Father to face the lessons you are teaching me now.  I'm listening, God.


  1. You're writing again! WONDERFUL!! me out here - is this your blog? Do you write something everyday??

    I'm soooo excited - you're writing is excellent.


  2. I like life a lot better when I seek God & follow His path as opposed to the times when I explain to Him what I'm doing, why I'm doing it, & why He should just be tickled pink that I've not consulted Him re: my stupidity!


  3. I can't imagine doing it any other way. But I keep doing it! AARRRRGGG
